Running a business successfully takes a lot more than simply having a great product or service. A business owner needs to be able to procure more and more leads to help them promote their product or service to new people at all times. The more people they can get interested in their product, the bigger their business is going to grow. Unfortunately, lead generation isn’t always easy. The following are five Tips for Instagram Lead Generation that can help any business owner find new and useful leads with just this one social media platform. Make Sure There’s an Optimized Landing Page A large part of obtaining online leads is giving them somewhere to go once they come across the social media account. The business should have a landing page on their website that’s linked from the social media account through the bio or on various posts. This landing page needs to be fully optimized to catch their attention and draw them in. It should make them what to know more about what the business can do for them and what they can do to get more information about what the business has to offer. Engaging Content on a Set Schedule It’s important to create engaging and interesting content on any social media site, but Instagram in particular. Pictures are the main type of post though it is possible to add short video clips. The pictures should stand out amongst the other pictures that might show on a follower’s feed and should make them want to learn more. Pictures can be of products or services, but don’t have to be. They can also be of customers, employees, and anything else relevant to the business. Posts made on sites like Instagram need to be done frequently, with most businesses posting at least once a day. There should be a set time for the main posts and, when necessary, other posts throughout the day. This lets a customer know when to expect to be able to see something new on the account. Set Up Contests to Give Away Free Products Most businesses find that giving away free products is a fantastic way to generate quite a few new leads. The flow of leads can be huge when a person is offered the chance to be in a drawing to win a product or service just by signing up for more information from the business. Showcase the product or service being given away on Instagram so all of your followers can see exactly what’s being given away and include information in the picture or in the description so they know how to enter the contest and try to win. Display Products With Professional Pictures Displaying products is one of the best reasons to use Instagram. A business can quickly upload images of their most popular products or services and all of their followers will see it. This is also perfect for promoting a new product or service. However, the pictures do need to be […]