Do you need more leads for you network marketing business? Do you need them fast? Fast Turnaround Our system is a great way to get paid traffic delivered to your squeeze page within 24 hours. I’ve placed orders and seen the leads stat flowing in the next day. Be sure to have your autoresponder setup to catch the large number of opt-is that you may receive. Sample packages are available below. This is just a screen-shot, click the link below to actually make a purchase. The company frequently offers a BOGO special. BOGO = Buy One Get One half off. So if you buy Platinum at regular price, you can buy a second Platinum at 1/2 price. Note also above the “Commissions” column. Yes, you too can sell MLM leads to your others in the industry, including your down-line. Imagine how your business would mushroom if you and each of your down-line had the Gold or Platinum package and were getting at least 850 or 1700 leads/month? Wouldn’t that help your retention, as well as your income? Our system also has an add-on option to help you get the most mileage out of your leads. It includes all of the following: Tracking links – know how many leads went to your opt-in page. Split tests – test multiple landing pages and tune to the ones that get the most opt-ins Rotator – buy a package of leads, and split it among several people. Just people each person’s page in the rotation list, and the rotator will send an equal (or predetermined split) to each site. Popups Creator Tool – allows you to easily add JavaScript pop-ups to your lead page, yet another tool to increase engagement and sign-ups Timers – made famous for people selling products. This offer expires at Thursday, midnight… Then shows days, hour, minutes ticking away at the top or bottom of your opt-in page. Site Monitor – you definitely don’t want to send leads to a website that is down, not responding, or is overwhelmed with too much traffic. Site Monitor will keep an eye on your website and let you know if there are any issues. With Traffic Authority, you can pause your traffic if there is an issue with your website; then resume the flow of leads after your website is back up and running. Online traffic Done-for-you online business. They all have the same problem, they need a way to bring high-quality traffic to thei sites, which in turn will turn into leads, and some of those eventually become customers. People are searching for premium traffic solutions, so what if you could provide them with the tools and the training they are looking for, and get paid for doing so? The link below will give you the details. You too, can do what Google and Facebook does – connect lead hungry businesses with potential customers. Google and FB make millions of dollars from people coming to their website, and they are not charging […]