The Four Tips for Generating Leads from Your Blog
All of the industry leaders out there began with a single day. It was a single idea that set the spark, and they grew their brand one day at a time. They also went through a breakthrough. Something happened that put them over the edge, and they continued doing small steps every single day to get in front of that one massive breakthrough. Blogging professional use the following tips to build a big following.
Lead generating is like that. Whether it is marketing for potential sales or building an audience of loyal consumers and brand followers, it begins with a few small tactics. Below are a few Tips for Generating Leads from Your Blog and making best use of a modernized blog space.
1. The Influence of Instagram
The influence of Instagram to social media has been under-discussed. Instagram has placed both a massive short video focus on social media. Many have argued that this development was just natural and expected. Yet, Instagram certainly pushed in that direction. The majority of content on Instagram is a single image or a short video. Where is all the text? It seems Twitter is focused in that area. But, Instagram is a visual platform and it caters to those needs. A blog needs to be visual. It can also be a spectacle. A single well-placed viral-esque image has the potential to draw a large buzz. Content on a blog should be balanced between text, images, and videos.
2. Using Pinterest: Know the Marketplace
How is that balance assessed? The answer to that has to do with the market. One brand is selling scientific module documentation for college-educated professionals. The other is selling eyeliner to tweens. The social media approach is the exact opposite. One would rely almost solely on detailed text. The other needs a whole lot of pictures.
Pinterest is a great platform to explore what people care about. The platform is niche enough to find just about anything in small quantities, and could offer enough information to find out what people are saying about a brand. It also helps to build correlations and comparisons, and users are getting traffic from PInterest. For example, what do people who care about eyeliner doing with it? What else do they like? Are they posting videos, buying online, using it regularly or only for holidays?
3. The New Kid in Town: Periscope
Many marketers have found a new and growing resource in web marketing. They are generating leads from Periscope. Firstly, what is Periscope? Periscope is basically an Instagram-inspired live feed website. Users can see live streaming footage of others when they see fit. It is similar to Twitch, expect Twitch is focused on video gaming. Periscope is a little more open-ended and limitless in its scale and, well, scope.
Companies are generating leads by getting their hands dirty. They are going out there and offering informative videos, fun videos, and tips in their respective niche. The goal is to hopefully build a nice little following that can carry over to other places, such as a website or the shopping cart. Periscope also reminds marketers of an important lesson. New resources pop up often, and any of them can blow up. If a website offers a great platform, it may be worth exploring. Who knows if it will take off and become something huge? Just 24 months ago, the leads from Instagram was an unknown factor. Now, it can potentially rival Facebook in userbase and is boasting a faster rate of followers.
4. Using the Classic Redirect
What is the main purpose of a blog? The main purpose is to provide valuable content. Of course, brand developers hope that the information they will provide will draw traffic, increase sales, and increase brand awareness. The blog is not the main source of the brand. It is a source of information, and it is a lead generation strategy. Unfortunately, many developers overleverage the power of their blog. They use it as both the main weapon of choice and the main website.
The main website is always a separate entity from the blog. Unless the website is a blog by nature (and there really shouldn’t be many of those left, especially if in a serious project), then the blog is an extension of the main website.
This helps accomplish a number of things. Firstly, the blog will hopefully draw people to the main website. Many visitors will first be exposed to a website or brand through a blog page. That is perfectly appropriate and great! It means the set-up of the blog and the accompanying market is effective. But, it should always draw visitors to some other goal. That will usually be a visit to the main website, like a home page or a shopping page.
Another reason this set-up is so great is because a blog can rarely stand on its own. It can only derive revenue from adspace. Some savvy bloggers are using other methods, but a strict blog can’t do much. This is why a blog is an extension to a main website. It is a tool- a separate tab. It is not the main source of traffic and it is certainly not the main website.
The above steps have hopefully outlined some influential strategies for generating leads. There is a lot to know, and none of these strategies can be effectively deployed overnight. Every day is a small battle that will eventually culminate in a big victory or breakthrough.