How To Buy Traffic: A Guide To The Very Best Paid Traffic Sources For Savvy Marketers Every person who has spent even a minimal amount of time in the network marketing space understands the importance of getting fresh leads every day. Without them, a network marketer is simply out of business. However, the age-old advice of asking family and friends to buy products from a website link or approaching people at the mall or in the grocery store isn’t the way to go about getting leads. Fortunately, there is a better way: buying traffic online. Paying for traffic allows a person to get leads quickly and, unlike organic returns, gives them more control over how much traffic they get and in what time frame. Faster and more targeted traffic mean bigger and faster profits. Read on to learn more about paid marketing, why it’s beneficial for network marketing professionals, and How To Buy Traffic that will give the best return on investment. Paid Traffic Option #1: PPC PPC stands for Pay-Per-Click. Network marketers pay a certain amount for these ads every time someone clicks on it to go to their landing page or website. Although there are tons of PPC options out there, the following three PPC engines have the furthest reach and are generally considered the best: Google AdWords: Google has more than 75 percent of the market share and is the most popular search engine. It’s highly competitive and is unmatched in terms of customer reach. Bing Ads: Bing is much cheaper than Google but only provides about 10 percent of the traffic that Google does. The upside to this is that marketers can find winning campaigns more quickly and sustain them for longer. Yahoo Gemini: Yahoo is also much cheaper in terms of click costs. Many marketers find that the Yahoo demographic is a bit older than Google and Bing, which means they are more often looking to spend money when they click on an ad. The key to successful PPC campaigns is using keyword tools (either paid tools or Google’s free tool) to find keywords that have a high search volume but low-to-medium competition. This gives marketing professionals a way to get traffic for a more reasonable cost-per-click instead of going after big keywords and losing too much money too quickly. Paid Traffic Option #2: Social Networks It is possible to get paid traffic on social networks, but those marketers who plan to do so should definitely stick with the top networks, including: Facebook: This network has more than one billion active users. While the reach is extensive, the platform is also highly competitive. However, Facebook allows very specific audience targeting, which gives marketers the ability to show ads to people who have already shown interest in their products. Because Facebook owns Instagram, inventory for that platform can also be bought through Facebook. Twitter: This social network allows marketers to target both demographics and keywords as well. It has incredible reach, but marketers should be advised that […]