When a business uses social media to advertise, they have several methods at their disposal to reach out to prospective clients. Generating leads via a Facebook site is not that difficult when the proper steps are utilized to get the ball rolling. Here are some Facebook advertising tips that can be used to grab the attention of prospective clients, possibly boosting sales as a result.
Benefits of Facebook advertising
Advertising on Facebook will draw in potential customers from around the globe rather than ones only located in the immediate area. Word of mouth travels fast via social media, making it the best way to get a business seen and known by all sorts of demographics.
Generating Facebook Leads
Facebook leads can be categorized as direct or indirect leads. A direct lead is the placement of a link on the social medial page which forwards the person to the business website. The customer will click on this link if they feel they would like further information about the company. A indirect lead is the sharing of a blog post, picture, or status with a link included. The customer may click on this link out of curiosity, sending them to the business website to browse. They were not originally interested in this particular website, but clicked on it because the information it claimed to share seemed intriguing.
Creating A Website
When someone needs home business leads, social media is one of the best ways to gather potential customers without paying large prices for advertising. The information is all available via the Facebook site, making it a snap for business owners to get the ball rolling in gathering leads as soon as they decide to open their business to the public. Having a business website can be a great help in gaining customers as it will work in conjunction with the social media site.
A website will house all the information about the product or service they are offering. It will include details about the benefits in buying from this company, as well as the personal information needed to get a hold of them. The colors and fonts should be pleasing so potential customers spend more than a few seconds browsing the information. A high “bounce rate” results when a prospect comes your website, and doesn’t stay there more than a few seconds. Pictures should be included as well as frequently asked questions and answers.
Starting The Lead Process
When creating a business social media page, the cover photo is what will grab attention of anyone browsing the platform. Use wording in this cover photo, adding a call-to-action so people who spot the business page will see what it is about before they browse the details. This should include an eye-catching phrase, great looking font, and company name so people will see this information at the moment they see the page pop up as something they may be interested in. Make sure to place an appropriate photo behind the text. A photo in a contrasting color from the test being used will be better seen by anyone who lands upon the page. This is also helpful so prospective customers see the information when at thumbnail size.
Adding Leads In Captions
When someone puts up a photograph, it is bound to get more views than a plain status that is easy to scroll on past. Make the most of photographs by adding a caption with a link incorporated in the text. This should send the prospective client back to the website for further information. Any status put up should have the website link available for people browsing to click.
Hosting A Chat Session
Facebook has the benefit of chatting with other people in real time. Use this to the benefit of the business by advertising structured chat sessions to generate network marketing leads. When people join in the chat, make sure to use plenty of links to answer any questions they may have. This will send them to further information about the items or services offered, giving them added exposure to the website. They may decide to take the opportunity to make a purchase from following these links.
Sending Event Notifications
Use the event feature to invite people to a webinar to learn more about the services or items being sold via the business. Events are noticed more than traditional posts, as people are more inclined to open a personalized invitation than read things while scrolling. Use professional wording but at the same time draw the customer to the webinar or event you are holding with the promise of a free gift or coupon for attendance.
Tagging Prospects
Facebook has a tagging feature, alerting people that they are mentioned in post or a picture. Consider tagging people who may have interest in an upcoming event or item that will be for for sale. They can easily untag themselves if they are uninterested at the time. This tag will alert them to take a look at the post or photo that was added, giving the information extra exposure as a result.
Utilizing The Form Feature
Facebook has the ability to have a separate tab added to a page with can house a structured form for potential customers to fill out. This information can be used to send brochures or other advertising material to the customer who seemed interested. This allows the customer to fill out a form without needing to visit a remote website if they are in a rush or if they do not wish to leave the Facebook platform to obtain information.
Learning more about FB ads
The FB site itself actually contains good information on advertising there. Since Facebook is trying to sell more ads, they are motivated to provide high quality training and the best quality tools. Start by checking out this page: https://www.facebook.com/business/products/ads