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Guess Who’s Promoting Chris Record’s Internet Marketing College? Justin Verrengia and Vick Strizheus

Chris Record has announced his “Internet Marketing College” (IMC), the working name for a yet to be named training/school, that will cost a whopping $10,000. Classes will be held quarterly, and the $10K covers your tuition (but you will of course need money for travel and hotel expenses). The courses will be structured, with pre-tests and post-tests. The tuition is good for two people, and includes 120 hours of training (four weeks) with the “best of the best” teachers for each class (i.e. people actually making money and the specific skill being taught). I’ve been surprised by some of the big names involved. But I can see why. There is a matching bonus of $100,000 on making your first $100,000, and a matching $1,000,000 bonus on making your first $1,000,000. Justin Verrengia anticipates making $2.1 million on the launch of IMC. He is already a “million-dollar ring earner” in Empower Network, and his funnel links to Vick Strizheus’ page.  Vick probably make his own funnel for his team members.  Chris has included “pass-up” sales in his IMC compensation plan (not the same, but also not unlike that of Empower Network).         Vick said he did his due diligence, flew to Scottsdale, Arizona to meet with Chris Record. If you don’t know Vick, he made the most money of any person in the shortest time in Network Marketing (Chris was also a big earner in the same company, which was Empower Network).  He then went on to start his own business “High Traffic Academy” (HTA).  The best way to learn how about HTA is to take the free 14-day “Free 14-Day Project Breakthrough course“. This is a “pay to play” deal – you have to invest $10,000 (or probably sell one) to participate in the commissions. I decided to pass due to the high investment cost. I believe the school will be high quality; everything Chris Record does is “top drawer”. He has modeled the school and compensation after a real estate training “college” (with a $16,000 to $20,000 product), he sold about 10 years ago, and from which he was making multiple $10,000s each month (actually $500,000 his first year).  Eventually the real estate bubble burst, and Chris lost that income stream.  Chris is not a top affiliate and has created several of his own products, including Dark Profits (about FB advertising) and SmartMember (a web-site membership software/system). One of Justin’s smart moves is providing financing for anyone with a credit score of 600 or above.  (Not sure if he or Vick added this, or if Chris is providing access to it).  I used to work with defaulted student loans that were guaranteed by the government.  So I know there were loans for all kinds of schools, including beauty/cosmetic schools and even a luthiery (guitar repair school). Chris Record lives in Roseville, but is maintaining a new second office and home in Scottsdale, Arizona. He already has office, and staff in Arizona, setting up the IMC. The office has […]

Tips for Social Media Lead Generation

When most online marketers think about social media, they think of it in terms of brand building instead of sales, but that’s a mistaken assumption. Social media is more than a way to connect with customers and grow a brand; when done properly, marketers can use sites like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to generate solid leads. Read further to learn the best tips on how to turn social media marketing from a branding tool to a solid method of socia media lead generation. Consider the Connection Between Lead Generation and Social Media In online marketing, lead generation is about bringing people into a sales funnel. It’s not selling; rather, it’s about learning everything possible about customers. In the past, lead generation involved mailing surveys or encouraging customers to fill out forms. However, businesses have changed their lead-gathering methods thanks to the internet. Video marketing, email opt-in and paid campaigns are great ways to get people into a sales funnel. Since it’s all online, it’s simple to track. Social media simplifies the process because people readily share information, and because there are millions of users. It’s the best place to find a target market and turn viewers into leads. Carefully Choose a Channel A common mistake is trying to obtain network marketing leads through the wrong channel. It goes back to knowing the customer; with more than one billion account holders, it might be simple to assume that Facebook is the best option. However, that’s not always true. 44% of marketers have found leads from LinkedIn, while 30% get them from Twitter. A marketer’s lead generation techniques depend on which sites they’re using. Facebook Lead Generation For Facebook, paid ads are the way to go. Algorithm changes have made it difficult to reach customers organically with social content, but Facebook’s ads can be relatively budget-friendly. Marketers can run contests, but the leads they receive may not be qualified. Custom tabs are a great place to put a contact form, which can capture leads and keep visitors on the page. Marketers who treat their pages like a website often have more success in lead generation. Building Leads on Twitter To generate the best leads on Twitter, the process is a little more complex. Promoted tweets are coming to the forefront, and marketers can leverage that power in several ways. Twitter cards use eye-catching images, but the copy has to be appealing and fit within the 140-character limit. LinkedIn For B2B leads, there’s no better place to find them than LinkedIn. This social network is geared toward networkers and professionals, and it’s a great lead generation method. Bring in new leads by offering free samples, and contact them directly through InMail. With a combination of inbound marketing and publishing, marketers can bring more leads into their funnel than with conventional outbound marketing tactics. Building Leads on Instagram In terms of marketing options, Instagram is still in its infancy. While Instagram doesn’t cater to advertisers and marketers like LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook do, it […]

Simple to Follow Lead Generation Tips for Periscope

Simple to Follow Lead Generation Tips for Periscope The way in which businesses market their products and services is typically through engaging leads. Leads are people that show interest in a particular product or service that a business provides. For that reason, it’s not surprising that there are many different approaches and programs that have been established to help businesses generate leads. Regardless of what type of product or service is being provided, programs that can help a business entice consumers to make a purchase is going to help a business to be successful. Generating Leads Via Technology One of the great things about the various different lead generation programs is that many of them are rooted in some of today’s most cutting-edge technologies. These lead generation strategies rely heavily on Internet connections, as well as the various different devices that are used to connect to the Internet. To put an even finer point on it, various different computer applications have been specifically designed to help generate leads for a business. While these types of applications come and go, perhaps one of the most exciting and one of the newest types of applications that looks to be something that can stand the test of time is an application called Periscope. What is Periscope? This type of application can be used in a wide variety of situations. This computer application gives an opportunity for a person to live stream videos of themselves. In addition, messages can be sent to the person streaming live video and they can answer the questions as they come in through a messaging system. In a sense, this is like a live broadcast, only anyone can do it at any time as long as they have a connection to the Internet. Because this application is owned by Twitter, anyone that follows a person or business on Twitter can receive these live broadcasts and interact with the person streaming video. This type of application perhaps wasn’t initially developed for marketing and lead generation, but it has quickly become an effective tool for lead generation with social media. The question some people have, however, is how does this application correlate to marketing success and lead generation. How can Periscope Help in Marketing? Broadcasting live videos to potential clients and customers can help put a personal spin on the products and services the business provides. It’s also a way to interact with potential customers without having to be in the same room. If customers are intrigued by the products and services described via a live Periscope streaming broadcast, questions can be answered and people can be directed to business websites to get even more information on whatever it is that they’re interested in. However, simply streaming these videos is likely not going to be enough to improve website traffic or to drum up interest in the products and service the business provides. Many times people will need to use specific Lead Generation Tips for Periscope to maximize interest. Here are […]

Lead Generation Using Social Media And Your Smart Phone

Social media continues to be one of the most cost effective methods of reaching out to new clients and generating leads. Studies have revealed that the average online surfer maintains accounts on five social media sites and checks them daily. The combined total of people who have accounts on at least one site is expected to top 2.3 billion members by the end of the year. Most people will spend nearly two hours on their social media accounts each day, looking for information and entertainment. Every site benefits advertisers in some way by making it easier for them to reach more people, get more attention and track the responses their ad campaigns receive. Marketing With Twitter Twitter users are an especially active audience. 100 million people log in daily to their accounts on this site. Businesses effectively using Twitter have stated that approximately 29 percent of their offline sales can be traced to their advertising campaigns shared here. Periscope, a convenient app created and owned by this popular site, has made instantly getting noticed easier than ever. Lead generation using Periscope is already effectively working for numerous types of businesses. It allows anyone who uses the app to live stream their own videos and save them on their account for additional viewing later. Along with this they can insert searchable bios and follow other Periscope users as well. The streaming videos, known as scopes, can be shared with followers daily or whenever an updated video is created. All of this is in addition to the tweets, video ads and photos and hashtags that can be added and shared every day. Using Pinterest Effectively Many people were surprised to see the lasting power of this simple site. Not only does Pinterest have a huge amount of loyal members, these same people are some of the busiest shoppers online. Research has shown that they consistently spend more money than Facebook or Twitter members in relation to the items they search and repin. Advertising is basic because the site currently does not provide a lot of variety for lead generation. The basic method is by posting interesting content though pins and making certain that there are links from there to the landing page of the business. It is possible to add website and contact information on company profiles and boards, but it is less likely to be noticed than it would be in a pin. Users of this site spend nearly all of their time searching pins and pinning information of their own rather than reviewing profiles. Maximizing Instagram Accounts Photo sharing accounts were also considered a passing social media trend that would eventually fade away, but Instagram critics have been proven to be wrong. Instagram is a wonderful companion tool to blogs, website content and the wordy posts of other sites. It is the visual attention-getter that social media users consistently respond to. There are a number of ways to maximize the attention received on Instagram without saying a word. Using clear, […]

Four Tips for Generating Leads from Your Blog

The Four Tips for Generating Leads from Your Blog All of the industry leaders out there began with a single day. It was a single idea that set the spark, and they grew their brand one day at a time. They also went through a breakthrough. Something happened that put them over the edge, and they continued doing small steps every single day to get in front of that one massive breakthrough. Blogging professional use the following tips to build a big following. Lead generating is like that. Whether it is marketing for potential sales or building an audience of loyal consumers and brand followers, it begins with a few small tactics. Below are a few Tips for Generating Leads from Your Blog and making best use of a modernized blog space. 1. The Influence of Instagram The influence of Instagram to social media has been under-discussed. Instagram has placed both a massive short video focus on social media. Many have argued that this development was just natural and expected. Yet, Instagram certainly pushed in that direction. The majority of content on Instagram is a single image or a short video. Where is all the text? It seems Twitter is focused in that area. But, Instagram is a visual platform and it caters to those needs. A blog needs to be visual. It can also be a spectacle. A single well-placed viral-esque image has the potential to draw a large buzz. Content on a blog should be balanced between text, images, and videos. 2. Using Pinterest: Know the Marketplace How is that balance assessed? The answer to that has to do with the market. One brand is selling scientific module documentation for college-educated professionals. The other is selling eyeliner to tweens. The social media approach is the exact opposite. One would rely almost solely on detailed text. The other needs a whole lot of pictures. Pinterest is a great platform to explore what people care about. The platform is niche enough to find just about anything in small quantities, and could offer enough information to find out what people are saying about a brand. It also helps to build correlations and comparisons, and users are getting traffic from PInterest. For example, what do people who care about eyeliner doing with it? What else do they like? Are they posting videos, buying online, using it regularly or only for holidays? 3. The New Kid in Town: Periscope Many marketers have found a new and growing resource in web marketing. They are generating leads from Periscope. Firstly, what is Periscope? Periscope is basically an Instagram-inspired live feed website. Users can see live streaming footage of others when they see fit. It is similar to Twitch, expect Twitch is focused on video gaming. Periscope is a little more open-ended and limitless in its scale and, well, scope. Companies are generating leads by getting their hands dirty. They are going out there and offering informative videos, fun videos, and tips in their respective niche. […]

What is Project Breakthrough? Can it Really Help Your Business?

What is Project Breakthrough and Can it Really Help? Internet marketing is a growing field and more and more people are trying to break into it. Whether a person wants to learn how to do it to work as a freelancer or to apply the techniques for their own business, they’re going to need to spend quite a bit of time studying various techniques and perfecting them. Many different training platforms are available right now to help those who want to learn more, but it can be difficult to figure out if these programs are worth the time and the money for them. Below is a review of one such platform that should help anyone who is considering it determine if it’s really worth the time to give it a try. One Training Platform to Consider Project Breakthrough is one training platform many people have come across and may wonder if it’s worth the time. The premise is that anyone can start earning money online in as little as two weeks with only a few affordable tools . The idea is to teach someone who has never had experience working online to earn commissions to be able to make a significant amount of income per month. It’s designed to help people get results fast, working with program instructors who have a huge amount of experience in online marketing. Who This Platform is For This platform is for those who want more Website Traffic to their website and those who are not yet earning money online, but who want to. It’s geared toward those who have no experience with online sales and explains every step in the process in detail so those who have no experience can easily follow along and start earning money. However, it can still be helpful for those who have some experience already with sales funnels and making money online as it can help them by introducing them to new tips or faster ways to do parts of the process they might not have thought about in the past. The Cost of the Platform This is one training platform that is currently free. It doesn’t cost anything up front and it doesn’t require a credit card to get started. It will cost the person some time as the person will want to make sure they’re spending an adequate amount of time on the platform throughout the 14 day period so they can get as much as possible from the training materials. The free aspect means it’s well worth the try for most people who are considering it. Learning About Sales Funnels The basis for the platform is to learn about sales funnels and how to use them as effectively as possible. The instructors fully understand this process and have worked with it for years so they can explain the entire process in detail and show tips and tricks to start increasing conversion rates to earn more money. The training is done in a way that shows the […]

Review of High Traffic Academy

As business owners attempt to generate more traffic to their web pages, they often encounter unexpected issues and may not know how to resolve them. Knowing the right way to improve traffic-driven sales for online businesses is not something that comes easily to most people, so many business owners will need help when handling these needs. While some businesses choose to hire an online marketing specialist to increase their sales, many business owners decide to use software or online training programs to learn how to effectively manage paid traffic sources themselves. One training program, High Traffic Academy, combines the benefits of both choices by providing online video tutorials that can be accessed by subscribers at any time. By considering the information provided by a High Traffic Academy Review, it is clear to see that this product is the perfect choice for any business today. In February 2016, HTA (High Traffic Academy) released it’s newest free introductory course.  Even though it’s original Project Breakthrough was good, now they made it 10 times better.  They actually take a mortgage broker and his wife through the course in front of your eyes.  You watch them setup their accounts, and make money by Day 14 of the course.  See my blog “Project Breakthrough Review“. Why Choose Paid Traffic Over Free Traffic Sources? While there are ways for businesses to increase their online presence for free, these options are not always the most effective. Search engine optimization, or SEO, includes many different free strategies for online marketing, but it requires a large investment of time. In addition, the top trends and best practices for SEO work change constantly, and poorly-done SEO can seriously harm a business in the long run. However, when managed correctly, paid traffic will nearly always bring more sales and customers to a business. Paid traffic is targeted specifically to the demographics most likely to be receptive to a company’s products or services, so it brings much higher numbers of visitors to the company’s web page. This, in turn, leads to more repeat customers and higher profits over time. What About Search Result Rankings? Also, one of the main ways that a company uses SEO work is to improve its rankings on Google and other search engines. Google, in particular, has very specific criteria and complex formulas that are used to determine how high a page is ranked. Obviously, companies want to have their business web page come up in the first few results on Google searches, so the competition is strong for companies to appear on the first page of results. Not everyone can achieve these high rankings, and Google is very particular about what it looks for in web pages. Massive amounts of time and effort can go into SEO work that is ineffective or even detrimental to the company’s online visibility and reputation. Rather than trying to adhere to Google’s strict standards and battle for top search rankings, it is more sensible and a better investment to use paid […]

Effective Communications Using Autoresponders

Effective Communication Is Key: The Importance Of Using Autoreponders to Follow Up With Your Business Leads In any home-based or network marketing business, communication is key. Without effective communication, it’s impossible to complete any lead generation tasks for the business. In times past, most communication was done by phone or through one-on-one contact. Fortunately, the digital era has brought about the invention of new technologies that allow marketing and business professionals to expand their reach more efficiently and effectively. The autoresponder is just one example of this type of technology. For those who have yet to incorporate autoresponders into their network or home-based business marketing strategy, keep reading to find out why it’s vital to embrace this strategy and how people can do so in the most effective way possible. The Benefits Of Using An Autoresponder An autoresponder is an advanced email tool that automatically sends messages to email addresses on a specific list of subscribers. In most cases, these subscribers are people who have willingly entered their information into a form they came across on the web. Many autoresponder messages are either set to be triggered by time intervals (such as messages sent out every three days or once per week) or by specific actions (such as opening an email message, making a purchase, or subscribing to a list.). Here are just a few of the benefits associated with using this type of software or service: Email Is Popular and Efficient: Many people prefer email over talking on the phone. Reading an email takes less time and is more efficient than a phone conversation and the information can be retained for later viewing or use. Information Is Key: In network marketing (as in any type of business), customer contact details are priceless. Having an email list allows marketers to continue to present their offer and message to a customer multiple times over a longer period. Permission Marketing: Subscribers on an autoresponder list have willingly given the marketer their information. This means they trusted them enough to consent to having email messages sent to their inbox. This is powerful, as people are more likely to buy from those they know, like, and trust. Options For Using An Autoresponder When it comes to setting up an autoresponder for a network marketing business, there are generally two options: Self-Hosted Autoresponders: A self-hosted autoresponder is exactly what is sounds like: an autoresponder software that is hosted directly on the business owner’s server. Having a self-hosted solution does have several benefits, such as allowing the business owner to create a customized solution for their needs, giving them the freedom to expand their lists according to their needs without having to pay more money, and allowing them to have more control over their subscribers and contact information. However, it is important to note that self-hosted autoresponders are more complex to set up and manage and cost more initially. Cloud-Hosted Autoresponders: Cloud-hosted autoresponders are typically delivered as a monthly subscription service by a third party like […]

Best Guide On How to Buy Paid Traffic

How To Buy Traffic: A Guide To The Very Best Paid Traffic Sources For Savvy Marketers Every person who has spent even a minimal amount of time in the network marketing space understands the importance of getting fresh leads every day. Without them, a network marketer is simply out of business. However, the age-old advice of asking family and friends to buy products from a website link or approaching people at the mall or in the grocery store isn’t the way to go about getting leads. Fortunately, there is a better way: buying traffic online. Paying for traffic allows a person to get leads quickly and, unlike organic returns, gives them more control over how much traffic they get and in what time frame. Faster and more targeted traffic mean bigger and faster profits. Read on to learn more about paid marketing, why it’s beneficial for network marketing professionals, and How To Buy Traffic that will give the best return on investment. Paid Traffic Option #1: PPC PPC stands for Pay-Per-Click. Network marketers pay a certain amount for these ads every time someone clicks on it to go to their landing page or website. Although there are tons of PPC options out there, the following three PPC engines have the furthest reach and are generally considered the best: Google AdWords: Google has more than 75 percent of the market share and is the most popular search engine. It’s highly competitive and is unmatched in terms of customer reach. Bing Ads: Bing is much cheaper than Google but only provides about 10 percent of the traffic that Google does. The upside to this is that marketers can find winning campaigns more quickly and sustain them for longer. Yahoo Gemini: Yahoo is also much cheaper in terms of click costs. Many marketers find that the Yahoo demographic is a bit older than Google and Bing, which means they are more often looking to spend money when they click on an ad. The key to successful PPC campaigns is using keyword tools (either paid tools or Google’s free tool) to find keywords that have a high search volume but low-to-medium competition. This gives marketing professionals a way to get traffic for a more reasonable cost-per-click instead of going after big keywords and losing too much money too quickly. Paid Traffic Option #2: Social Networks It is possible to get paid traffic on social networks, but those marketers who plan to do so should definitely stick with the top networks, including: Facebook: This network has more than one billion active users. While the reach is extensive, the platform is also highly competitive. However, Facebook allows very specific audience targeting, which gives marketers the ability to show ads to people who have already shown interest in their products. Because Facebook owns Instagram, inventory for that platform can also be bought through Facebook. Twitter: This social network allows marketers to target both demographics and keywords as well. It has incredible reach, but marketers should be advised that […]

New Project Breakthrough Review (2.0 – Feb 2016)

Project Breakthrough Review This is a promising new training program for those who would like the chance to earn money online. This Project Breakthrough Review gives information on this training program. The person signs up for a 14-day online training course that covers all the aspects of starting an home-based internet marketing online business. Anyone can start an online business, but making that business successful is not so simple. It is important to understand what is required to build a successful online business and then follow through.  With this free course, you learn from two millionaires who have done it, and can show you how to do it. This program is divided into 14 days of video training sessions designed to be valuable to new Internet marketers and experienced Internet marketers as well. There are all sorts of Internet marketing training programs out there. Some are expensive, some are “cheap”, and some are free. Initial price does not seem to indicate the quality of training or the likelihood of business success for the students. One of the main problems with many of these instructional programs is that they are not presented in a way that keeps the student’s attention and helps them to remember what they are being taught. Other programs assume the students have more beginning knowledge than they do. It is important to choose an online instructional program that is interesting as well as informative. The program must start at the new student’s level of knowledge, no matter how low it is, and add to it. If a person’s Internet marketing knowledge is at level one and the instructional program starts at a level three, it will only frustrate the student. How Is The Project Breakthrough Training Unique? This program is designed to teach people with no Internet marketing knowledge every aspect and technique for navigating the Internet and becoming successful Internet marketers. As a matter of fact, the program revolves around a married couple in their 30s, Mark and Kristen Barley.  They have both worked in the mortgage business for a number of years, but found that the income there was up and down, making it hard to provide a consitent lifestyle for their family. This video-guided training is broken into 14 daily segments that are easy to follow and interesting to listen to and watch. This is step by step training with each segment leading smoothly into the next one. Each video segment is presented by Vick Strizheus and Jason McClain from the High Traffic Academy. Each training day is designed to have a clear outcome for the student, offer specific training for that day, and give the student an assignment for the next training day. The student will be taught specific things each day and receive step by step directions to follow. If the student does every step as instructed, at the end of the 14 daily sessions they will have a clear picture and understanding of the steps to building an online business and […]

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